Finding Educational Inspiration with PokemonGo
Over a week ago, I attended a panel at #ISTE2016 about Augmented Reality in education. Having just realized the amazingness that is Google Cardboard, I felt that this panel would be an appropriate next step and the panel included a wide-range of experts, including Brad Waid , Katrina Keene , Drew Minock , Shannon Soger , and Kolsten Keene . But one quote stood out to the me the most: "AR is already being used at consumer level so students need to be one the building these experiences" Now if your understanding of Augmented Reality was very low over a week ago, this statement would be incredibly easy to brush off as false: Augmented Reality? Wasn't that in a really lame X-Files episode? This isn't something that students will actually do as jobs. But then Augmented Reality hit center stage when PokemonGo went live: In case you missed it, Pokémon Go mobile game developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. The game allows players to capture...